Police in Makindu, Makueni county, on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, destroyed over 560kg of seized bhang.
In a statement, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) said the exercise was presided over by the Makindu Law Courts Senior Principal Magistrate J.B. Ireri.
“Over 560 kilograms of Cannabis Sativa has been destroyed today in Makindu, Makueni County in an exercise presided over by the Makindu Law Courts Senior Principal Magistrate Hon. J.B. Ireri. The weed was set ablaze this afternoon,” the statement reads in parts.
Also present during the exercise were senior county security officials, sleuths from the DCI anti-narcotics unit as well as members of the public.
Over 560Kilograms of Cannabis Sativa has been destroyed today in Makindu, Makueni County. In an exercise presided over by the Makindu Law Courts Senior Principal Magistrate Hon. J.B. Ireri, the weed was set ablaze this afternoon in the pic.twitter.com/NFWM6wh6bJ
— DCI KENYA (@DCI_Kenya) April 11, 2023
A similar exercise saw 143 kilograms of bhang with an estimated market value of Ksh1.5 million set a blaze in Nyamarambe, Kisii county, in October last year.
Ogembo law courts magistrate Gloriah Barasah, who presided over the incineration ceremony then, praised the police, authorities, locals, as well as the judiciary, for their work in enforcing the anti-drug law.
“The law provides the framework for combating abuse of narcotics, drugs, and psychotropic substances by issuing several penalties. Persons found to be manufacturing, possessing, or transporting drugs unlawfully risk imprisonment for a term not less than 20 years,” Barasah warned.
The narcotic drugs were seized during various raids and operations within Gucha and South Mugirango over a period of three years.