Police in Luanda, Vihiga County, have launched investigations into an incident where a local Chief’s house caught fire, leaving a 9-year-old child dead.
The fire at Mukhalakhala Chief Amos Okaka Esitsimi’s home is said to have begun on Friday night in the room where the boy sleeps, with efforts to put out the flames yielding no results.
Area Assistant Chief Joseck Omulo Ebwiranyi said; “Neighbours joined the family to battle the raging fire whose cause we are yet to establish. When the fire subsided, the child in the room had been burnt to death.”
“Luanda police swiftly visited the scene and helped take the body of the deceased to Maseno Coptic Mission Hospital morgue.”
The family was unable to salvage property from the room where the Grade 3 pupil slept during the incident, with beddings and farm produce among other household items burning to ashes.
“We have left the matter to police to continue with investigations but I believe that national government officers need security bearing in mind the kind of the work they do,” Omulo added.
His sentiments were echoed by Walter Mukungu, the national chiefs and their assistants’ welfare chair who said the administrators are facing security threats, especially after the Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithure Kindiki ordered them to ensure the illicit brew business is cleared from their jurisdictions.
“Chiefs do arbitration work. There are so many incidents where chiefs have been harmed because of their work. We need a national government administration police unit to secure chiefs,” Makungu said, adding that criminals also fight back.
He however failed to confirm whether the incident at Chief Okaka’s home was as a result of his work, saying police should be given time to investigate the matter.