Police in Kisii county are investigating an incident in which a 31-year-old man was found dead in his home on Wednesday night.
The incident took place in Moribori Village, Bokeire Sub-location, Kisii South Sub-county where the deceased was found hanging from the roof rafter in his bedroom.
Assistant Chief of Bokeire Sub-location, Emelda Benson, said a neighbour reported the incident.
“We were informed of the matter by one of the villagers, and we immediately contacted the police,” she said.
Neighbours said the man had been facing marital problems, but said they did not think that would lead him to death.
On the night of the incident, an argument had ensued between the couple, with the deceased assaulting his wife.
Later, the wife is said to have woken up to find her husband hanging from the roof rafter.
Shaken, she raised the alarm, attracting neighbours, who came and found the man dead and consequently reported the matter.