MCA Tricky’s comedy show” A Tricky Comedy Circuit” which happened on 31st March was a success as the comedian revealed that it was such a big deal and the turn-up and everything was just above his expectations saying that;
” It was a successful event and it exceeded my expectations.”
He went ahead on Instagram and shared photos from the whole show then captioned;
“Netflix , Showmax Shall we?A TRICKY COMEDY CIRCUIT WAS A BIIG SUCCESS , SOLD OUT manenos!!Glory to God !!My amazing audience , may you never lack !!All my sponsors , may your business grow multiplicatively!!A TRICKY COMEDY CIRCUIT , CONNECTING AFRICA!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥”
Below are photos of how everything went down.
In one of the previous interviews, the comedian said that the show was such a big deal for him revealing that, “It is such a big step that I am making in my career”. Adding that he started the rehearsals a year earlier, “I started my rehearsals last year since I don’t like to let down my audience and I have been testing jokes with crowds,” as he termed that as a lot of work.
Apart from comedy, Tricky also champions education and told Mpasho that Kenya Education Fund is the main sponsor of the show revealing that the organization funds those who are not able to go to school.
“Twenty percent of the profit inaenda kusaidia watoto hawaezi enda shule just to support them,” he explained.
Speaking of studies, he revealed that he is still studying adding that “multi-tasking is very hard”. Since he is a comedian, radio presenter, and also a student but at least he is in his final year saying, “I’m in my final year naona graduation ikiwa this year December.”