Socialite Starlet Wahu, the younger sister of controversial preacher Victor Kanyari, is known for her lavish lifestyle and significant presence on social media, sharing glimpses of her life with her followers.
She is what modern-day social media pundits call a Baddie.
A Baddie is an attractive female who effortlessly stands out from the rest. Whether she’s donning sweatpants or a form-fitting dress, she slays in everything.
In one of her TikTok posts, Wahu showcased a photo of money, claiming it was a gift from her mother, Prophetess Lucy Nduta.
Her online presence painted a picture of a vibrant and outgoing personality, making her sudden and violent death even more shocking.
Starlet Wahu, also known as Icey Wife, was a prominent figure in the beauty world, known for selling designer clothes, shoes and even human hair.