Raila Odinga, the leader of ODM, has summoned all party members who were present during the chaotic Sunday church event in Kisii. The party has instructed these members to appear at the party’s headquarters in Nairobi on May 8, following the incident at the fundraiser in Bomachoge Borabu and another at a funeral service in Migori on Friday.
“Via this statement, the party summons all elected and nominated leaders present at these two functions to appear before the party leadership to explain their role, if any, in these unfortunate events,” the statement signed by Secretary General Edwin Sifuna reads.
During the fundraiser at Etono grounds, police had to use teargas canisters at the pulpit. The event brought together five PAG churches and was attended by six MPs from different political backgrounds.
South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro, also the Chief Whip at the National Assembly, was presiding over the fundraiser, with ODM MPs Obadiah Barongo and Kitutu Chache South MP Anthony Kibagendi in attendance, along with other MPs and pro-UDA ward representatives.
Tension escalated when opposition leaders began criticizing the government, leading to a confrontation with leaders and supporters from the UDA side. Chaos peaked when Kibagendi took the podium, and at one point, the microphone he was using was snatched away. When the situation threatened to spiral out of control, a police officer deployed tear gas, dispersing the attendees.
ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna, in a statement, called for an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the police’s use of teargas at the Migori event. He also urged politicians to refrain from using derogatory language, warning that it could fuel violence.
“We urge the police command to do whatever it takes to educate the members of the police service to understand their mandate does not extend to being jurors in political party activities,” he said.
According to the SG, the footage from the events shows “the attack was coordinated and synchronized through the collusion between some local politicians and the police”.
He did not, however, state if the party has complained to the police to the effect.
Police were also yet to state in connection to the incidents.